How to keep calm in a life full of chaos?

All good things come in waves

Are you in a constant struggle to live a peaceful life?  

Are you looking for a way to live the life of your dreams? 

We all go through a state of confusion when life does not seem to go in the right direction. 

We must accept the fact that life is not just chaos, but it’s about finding the perfect balance amid the chaos that we create or it is being created by others. Now, the question that pops in every person’s mind is how to find the ideal equilibrium? 

Let’s just accept that there will be roadblocks in your way, but it all depends on “you.” The choice is yours, face it with courage or hide behind some corner and keep overthinking what’s going to happen next. It’s just a state of mind.

Via this blog, I am going to share my personal experiences that will surely help you in some way. Let’s find out how we can be more tranquil in every given situation. 

Accept yourself 

Don’t follow the herd. Be original, irrespective of how you look, how you talk, how you think, just be the way you are. The world is going to judge you anyway, so don’t let the opinion of others undermine you in any way. 

You are “You” and that’s your superpower and no one can steal it. Learn to accept, love and respect yourself before expecting from others. It’s best to understand your strengths, weaknesses and learn to overcome the difficulties with a positive mindset. 

“Surround yourself with a like-minded and supportive network of friends and mentors who encourage you towards fulfilling your targeted goals, both personally and professionally.”

Do what make you happy

In relationships, be it any, it’s not your responsibility to make everyone happy around.  

Life is inevitable, it is not going to be the way I, we, you or they want. It will certainly take unexpected turns, happy and sad moments will pass by, people may or may not cross your path, the cycle of life and death is going to remain an integral part of our lives. 

So, the crux of everything is that, be the way you are and don’t get carried away by what others feel about you. Consciously, you are doing the best and you should not get influenced by the pressure that our society puts forth. 

Believe it or not, once you stop letting your happiness at stake for others, the happier your life will be.

See what works for you first, then think of others. If you are happy, only then you can keep your loved ones in an upbeat mood. 

Another day, another sunrise

Listen to all, but do what you like 

In today’s ever-evolving culture, good listening skills do pay off. Once you open up with someone you love, they’ll come up with different opinions. It’s best to listen and observe what others are saying, but in the end, the decision is “yours.

Everyone has a distinct mind, so they’ll give you an opinion based on the mistakes they made in the past and learn from it. Every perspective is based on one’s own experiences. So, be all ears to what they are saying, and then logically think of what can turn out to be best for you. 

Be decisive and take charge!

Train your subconscious mind 

Our mind is quite magnificent, whatever you feed it with, it will embrace. For instance, the subconscious mind is always on guard. So, when you are reading a book, or any article online, it starts looking for something familiar and begins creating visuals related to it. 

Mind absorbs everything happening around us, so be mindful of whatever you are doing right now. Train your mind to think positive, no matter what. Believe that you do and achieve whatever you want to, don’t allow doubts to take place of your dreams, be grateful for whatever you have and dream big to realize your goals.

Check out quick hacks below for staying aligned toward your goals by controlling your mind:

  • Go out for a walk in the nature.
  • Practice gratitude. 
  • Learn mindfulness. 
  • Self-acceptance is the key.  
  • Start journaling. 
  • Do not procrastinate, just finish the task.
  • Remember, you can achieve what you want. 

Grass is greener where you water it

We often feel envious of other peoples’ accomplishments, paychecks, good living standards and so on. Whenever we compare our life with others, we feel dreary and inquisitive as why we couldn’t achieve the goals that we set. 

Comparison is the root cause of all pessimistic thoughts. So stop comparing your life with other people, after all, you don’t know what they went through to get there. Rather, start working on your shortcomings and do things to better yourself. 

Once you engage in focusing on bettering your life, you’ll have no time to think about what others are doing. 

Live a private life 

It may seem to be an absurd idea to many, but one thing that I learnt from my experience is that – the more you stay focussed, keep your life private, the less intricate it turns out to be. 

In today’s time, where social media is turning boon for everything, it’s actually making peoples’ personal lives more complicated as everyone around us is in a quest of competing with each other. We are becoming more interested in what others are doing, apart from focusing on our life. 

You don’t have to shout out your goals to every tom, dick and harry you meet. Do your thing and don’t just brag about it. Live life to the fullest sans giving any entitlement to anyone. 


To sum it up in short, I would like to add that what works best for someone may not work out for you. Experience is the best teacher, we learn and grow gradually from our mistakes. 

Every person and their situation is different, so one has to look within first, find out what troubles you and then think of altering the way you live, think, and your possible reaction towards others. 

Change becomes a necessity when things do not turn out to be favourable. Therefore, it’s important to be a “work in progress” which means that you are continuously working on yourself for your personal growth. 

Don’t wait for the right time to come, “now” is the time to make life worth living.

If you would like to add something more to it, you are most welcome to share your thoughts in the comments section as well.

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